A Garden Wedding joined by Hog Roast Rye

It’s always beneficial when a family member has a big garden and are willing to let you host events there! This was true for Hog roast Rye’s event on Saturday. The bride’s father had allowed her to host her wedding breakfast in his fantastic garden. It was spacious and rather picturesque; they must have got some lush wedding photos!

Hog Roast RyeWith government’s restrictions, Hog Roast Rye was serving 30 people at 6:30pm. They arrived with plenty of time to set up and freshly prepare the salads and other food. The bride and groom had opted for a hog roast over a spit-roasted whole pig; therefore, the pig had been slowly roasted on low heat for 8 hours. The slow roast of the whole pig ensures succulent meat that just falls off the bone and cooks in its juices creating flavoursome perfection. Any juices left in the cooking tray gets absorbed into the stuffing making the sage and onion stuffing extra tasty! Hog Roast Rye’s catering manager Chris ‘scores’ the pig before cooking which entails making slits in the skin and salting over these slits to guarantee super crisp crackling.

The garden had a wooden hut that the father of the bride had turned into a bar. The windows opened onto a latch with beer and spirits taps behind the counter on the wall with the sides around it filed with different beverages. Outside the window was a table to place the drinks once poured with straws and umbrellas. They had decorated the area reflecting the vintage theme making it a really lovely space for people to enjoy drinks at. The bride and groom had hired in staff to run it throughout the evening.

To keep everyone warm into the night, chimneys had been dotted around the garden. Fairy lights and solar powered lights and been placed to create an enchanting atmosphere. Chris and his team served the delicious hog roast with freshly prepared mixed salad, coleslaw and tomato and mozzarella salad alongside new herb-buttered new potatoes – scrumptious! The food was thoroughly enjoyed by all, and cold drinks were welcomed by hog roast Rye’s team as the hosts were really accommodating.