Hog Roast Bodiam – Join Us for Work Lunch This Week!

Hog Roast BodiamAs your corporate caterer, the Hog Roast Bodiam team would love to be invited out to lunch from time to time – if that is not too much to ask! Our favourite foods are hog roasts and plenty of roast potatoes!

Oh. You thought we meant to cater for your lunch? Well, we can do that too. It is our job at Hog Roast Bodiam, after all. We’ll save the actual lunch get together for another time!

In the meantime, yes, we can absolutely cater for your lunch through the week. In fact, right now we are looking to turn the weekday into the weekend by offering the same great foods that we cater at the weekend for a much-reduced weekday price! Now your lunch hours at work can come with the same great tastes that you’d get heading out on your lunch dates at the weekend, only made much cheaper – and therefore, in our opinion, made much tastier, too!

Hog Roast BodiamThis means you can join us for lunch during the working week with up to an extra £100 in value. Just quote midweek100 when making your order with our catering team. Then you can either add that value back into your menu by adding even more delicious sides, mains, or desserts, or keep the quick save for yourself and treat your favourite hog roast catering team to a special lunch some other time….

This is a great deal for any workplaces that want catering brought to their office. The Hog Roast Bodiam team will be able to stop in on your team’s lunch hour and serve up a delicious menu of hot and fresh foods. In the past, we have had business customers make their own requests for their menu, our you can just leave it up to our talented chefs. This way, it’s a fun surprise for your whole team! You might get a hog roast one day, a turkey roast the next, or selections from our barbecue menu, our al fresco dining, or even our American inspired smoky and spiced tastes of the sunny southern slow roasts! With all that, perhaps it is worth taking us out to lunch sometime, just to stay in our good books…