Hog Roast Weavering Cooked Up A Storm At A Paintball Stag Party

Here in Maidstone, we are very fortunate to be surrounded by some of the most beautiful countryside landscapes, which, as it turns out, aren’t just great for providing stunning backdrops at outdoor weddings! In actuality, the possibilities of these scenic locations are limitless, and on Saturday afternoon, Hog Roast Weavering discovered just how limitless when our team rocked up to a local paintball course out in the sticks.

Now, on this occasion, we were (unfortunately) not there to do any pointing and shooting – nor did we stare down the barrel of any guns, ourselves! No, our time spent at the course was strictly business-related, as best man, Richard, had organised for his soon-to-be-wed friend, Adam, and their group of mates to enjoy an afternoon of paintball, followed by a well-deserved hog roast treat one week before the wedding date.

Before the event went ahead, though, our catering manager, Chris, had spoken to the venue manager, who was more than happy to have us set up our cooking equipment in the car park for the boys. And fortunately for our team (and the boys!), it turned out to be a lovely day, which made the cooking process all the more enjoyable for the Hog Roast Weavering catering crew.

Hog Roast Weavering As usual, the HogMaster took care of the most important job – it helped Chris to cook up a beautifully tender slow-roasted suckling pig, that when carved, revealed a delicious interior of juicy, melt-in-the-mouth pork, which had been previously hidden beneath the thick layer of crispy, golden crackling. To complete the meal, Hog Roast Weavering also prepared our flavoursome applesauce accompaniment, along with a huge portion of sage and onion stuffing, homemade gourmet coleslaw and a fresh, seasonal salad.

The whole feast took around four hours in total to prepare, which gave the lads time for a good few rounds of paintball, so by the time they came stumbling out the front door, starving and stained with fluorescent paint splodges, they couldn’t wait to dive into the feast head first!

The food was everything they hoped it would be and more, and after the lads had finished stuffing their faces with as much of the mouth-watering meat as they possibly could, Hog Roast Weavering parcelled up the leftovers for the boys to take home.