It’s un-BOWLS-eivable! Hog Roast Downswood at Bowls Summer Social Evening

Bowls is, at heart, a traditional, very friendly and relaxing sport and is quite often considered to be a retirement friendly activity as people of all physical ability can take part. The Bowls Club local to Hog Roast Downswood hired the catering team to create and serve a fun buffet for the Clubs Summer Social; an annual event for current Bowls Club members to enjoy an evening of well-mannered frivolity.

Hog Roast DownswoodThe clients wanted a healthy but tasty, minimal fuss buffet for their 35 guests. As such they selected generic menu 1 from Hog Roast Downswood and were pleased enough with the package to not make any changes or personalisation.

The buffet would mostly revolve around the Hog Roast Downswood speciality that is the Classic Hog Roast. This is a succulently slow roasted pig that is sizzled under the experienced eyes of the Downswood team Chef. This juicy pig is served with delicious crispy crackling, homemade stuffing and to die for, tangy apple sauce. Also on offer at the serving table was a selection of sauces and lots of soft floured bread rolls. Furthermore there would also be warm new potatoes in herb butter and Chefs three choice of salads (in this instance Chef chose: tomato pasta salad, green leaf salad and fresh coleslaw).

The party commenced at 7pm and the buffet was ready to be enjoyed from 8pm; having been freshly prepared and cooked by the Chef on site at the Bowls Club in the hours leading up to the event. At 8pm the guests grabbed the paper plates and high quality plastic crockery provided by the Hog Roast Downswood team and jumped straight in to the buffet.

The guests and clients loved the buffet; it was very tasty and had plenty of fresh salad for it to be considered a healthy, well-balanced meal too! The Chef discreetly tidied away, taking all the rubbish off site to be disposed of safely too; leaving the clients and guests to enjoy the rest of their Summer Social.