Only treats with Hog Roast Bearsted

In Scotland they call ‘Trick-or-treating’ ‘Guising’ which was created from the word disguising, technically that is what trick-or-treating is, disguising yourself by dressing up in costumes.  The whole costume idea came from the Celts dressing up as evil spirits so that they would blend in with them and therefore go unharmed.  The Celts believed that on Halloween the worlds of the living and the worlds of the dead became blurred which is why they would create costumes to look like the dead. Hog Roast Bearsted was the spectacular treat at the end of trick-or-treating for Harriets party. Hog Roast Bearsted

Being in the door business, Harriet had lined her rather tremendous garden with a variety of doors all decorated differently. Behind each door was a trick or treat. For example, behind one of the trick doors was a magician doing tricks and behind another an illusion that you were falling. Behind one of the treat doors was face painting and another a sweet cart. Harriet had adult and children’s doors, rather than a sweet cart for instance, the adults got a gin bar! Such a creative party and nothing Hog Roast Bearsted had ever seen before! The last door was a garage door that hid Hog Roast Bearsted perfectly until their big reveal at the end of the garden! 

Spitting Pig BearstedHarriet had chosen Hog Roast Bearsted’s BBQ menu as she thought that there would be something for everyone, even for the pickiest of eaters. The children tended to opt for the usual sausage and cheeseburgers. The sausages were thick and herbed butcher sausages locally sourced, and the burgers were 8oz and filled with favour. Hog Roast Bearsted had two cheese options, the usual cheese slice for a BBQ and also a spicy cheese slice. The men in particular enjoyed the spicy cheese slice on their burgers. The adults choose either a hot dog or burger or both with a tantalising Cajun chicken kebab and a tender sticky BBQ rib on the side. 

Hog Roast Bearsted’s BBQ menu also includes freshly fried chips and two tasty and colourful salads. Everyone commented on how the BBQ was the best ‘treat’ of them all.