Sixteen going on seventeen…Hog Roast Weavering at a teenage party

Hog Roast Weavering always welcome input from their clients and love to make alterations to fit the event. They loved it when the clients asked to supply the paper plates and napkins for their child’s seventeenth birthday party; as part of all catering packages the Hog Roast Weavering team usually provide crockery and cutlery. However, at their latest event the team only needed to provide disposable cutlery as the clients had special Rick and Morty (it’s a popular cartoon/animation show) disposable crockery and napkins to use.

Hog Roast WeaveringAside from that one small and simple alteration to the catering package the clients were very happy to use generic menu option 3. This menu included a Classic Hog Roast: a sizzling slow roasted pig, served with crispy crackling, homemade stuffing and a zingy apple sauce. Alongside this was a basket of soft floured rolls, bowls of Chefs 3 choice of salads, in this instance: coleslaw, tomato and basil salad and finally a traditional Caesar salad. These weren’t the only things on offer however; the menu also included warm new potatoes in herb butter, and a vegetarian option of delicious grilled vegetable skewers.

The clients felt that this menu would be absolutely ideal for their guest list of 25 seventeen year olds and they were right. As soon as the Hog Roast Weavering Chef arrived at the private home venue for the party to set up the catering gazebo and equipment the guests and birthday boy were full of questions. The Chef was only too happy to answer their questions; the preparation of the food for the party became an interactive feature of the party that the guests all loved!

Once the food was ready at 8pm, after having been slow roasted over five hours the guests and clients tucked into the delicious offerings that were spread over the serving table. The guests enjoyed the food as they watched Rick and Morty, and once the food had all been enjoyed the Chef quietly tidied away all the equipment and gathering the disposable crockery, so that they could be disposed of responsibly.