Getting the Company Together for an Annual Barbecue with Hog Roast Sutton Valence

As a corporate caterer, Hog Roast Sutton Valence provides plenty of value for its business clients and customers. We enjoy building up working relationships with our regular corporate customers, so much so that we then start to become part of Continue reading Getting the Company Together for an Annual Barbecue with Hog Roast Sutton Valence

Treat Employees to a Delectable Lunch Delivered to the Office with Hog Roast Horam

If you’re seeking innovative ways to reward and motivate your staff, why not treat them to a delectable lunch that will leave a lasting impression on the entire office? Hog Roast Horam can do just that. Organising a hog roast Continue reading Treat Employees to a Delectable Lunch Delivered to the Office with Hog Roast Horam

Fiery Delights For Your May Day Fire Festivals With Hog Roast Harrietsham

With the May Day bank holiday weekend you may be travelling to one of the many historic festivals and celebrations that take place around the country. May Day is traditionally the European celebration for the beginning of summer, and across Continue reading Fiery Delights For Your May Day Fire Festivals With Hog Roast Harrietsham

How the Right Corporate Catering From Hog Roast ThurnhamCan Serve Your Business

Running your own corporate events is a must in today’s market. Events are a vital tool to businesses – as important as ensuring your budget is balanced. These events can range from events for your staff teams – be it Continue reading How the Right Corporate Catering From Hog Roast ThurnhamCan Serve Your Business