Fiery Delights For Your May Day Fire Festivals With Hog Roast Harrietsham

Hog Roast HarrietshamWith the May Day bank holiday weekend you may be travelling to one of the many historic festivals and celebrations that take place around the country. May Day is traditionally the European celebration for the beginning of summer, and across the continent many cultures mark the day in a variety of incredible traditions. You might see the famous Maypoles, or flower gathering festivals with incredible costumes depicting mythological icons, fairies and such. Here in the UK many parts of the union couple May Day with the historic Beltane fire festival too as a means to celebrate May Day.

If you are fortunate enough to be enjoying the bank holiday off and are going to one of these festivals or even hosting your own then why not couple the fiery affair with a fiery barbecue from Hog Roast Harrietsham! Our authentically made hog roast is well suited to the style and aesthetic of the traditional celebration, but seeing as it is supposed to be the beginning of summer too then why not enjoy a classic British barbecue courtesy of Hog Roast Harrietsham too.

Hog Roast HarrietshamOur gourmet barbecue range provides a twist on your British summer barbie favourites, as we create our sausages and burgers by hand in gourmet style and grill them up to perfection along with BBQ marinated ribs, juicy chicken kebabs, grilled veg and halloumi skewers, BBQ pulled jackfruit, and of course, if needed, our namesake hog roast too made to perfection and shredded fresh by hand. Of course for the May holiday you want a bit of Spring green in there too which will be provided by our homemade gourmet coleslaw and fresh Greek salads. It’s a fiery menu for your fiery celebrations!

For your May Day events Hog Roast Harrietsham can set you up with this menu and a fully catered service to help you celebrate the right way. There’s no better way to begin the summer and to enjoy your long weekend than with a menu and a catered service quite like this! Simply call your Hog Roast Harrietsham team today and let’s talk bank holiday dining.